Friday, January 21, 2011

This doesn't seem real

The kidney doctor came in yesterday with not so good news. Mom's kidney's are functioning at about 5% and are steadily getting worse. This is not a good thing. This is due to her cancer which is spreading. We are truly devastated by this news, and spent most of the morning praying, crying, and hugging.

Her oncologist informed her that she is not a candidate for chemotherapy. We are all saddened by this news. I still can't believe this is happening as I write this.

We contacted hospice yesterday and today we spent most of the day, working out all the details. My mom wants to be at home so thats where we plan for her to be; surrounded by all of us, her pets, and a view of her beautiful backyard.

If you saw my mom, you wouldn't know she has a terminal illness. She had 26 people visit her at the hospital yesterday. She was enjoying being the center of attention. It was a wonderful time with lots of family around, talking, laughing, and just hanging out. If any of you know my mom, her favorite thing to do is hang around her family and friends, and just talk. Add in a cup of coffee and some biscotti, and her Italian blood is pumping.

Right now, she's just made it home. She's snug in her bed, getting to know her new nurse, and enjoying some time with Dad and I. She's so sweet. Her puppy Athena, whom she absolutely loves, is sitting on her lap asleep.

My mom has so much faith, and fight in her. Her body has been through so much in the last 6 months, and she's taking all of this so gracefully. I know she's scared of the future, as we all are, but she has always been a pillar of strength. Please pray that she would let us carry as much of this burden as we can. We want to be able to walk her through her fears of dying. There is so much grief wrapped up in all of this.

We ask that you please be praying for the following;

That her pain would be managed
That her anxiety and fears would be given over to the Lord
That we would all speak encouraging and supportive words to her
That we would have strength through this time of grief

We know we serve a loving God who walks with us through joys and trials. We are not alone in this.

In Jesus,


  1. Audra I don't know what to say. We love you guys and are praying for her and you guys.

    Brian L

    p.s. got your xmas card

  2. Audra I am so saddened by this news. We will be praying for all of you. Thank you for continuing to update this.

  3. Dear Audra, I love the name of your blog - and I think absolutely no surrender to the lies of this world but you will choose to stand firmly on the Truth of God's Word. Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the (eternal) Life and in My father's house are many mansions"! I am lifting you all up to our Faithful Father who keeps all His promises and will go before you in every way and every day.
    May you find your strength and hope in Him.
    with prayers and love

  4. Audra I am so sorry. Grief is so hard. I'll be praying that you can actually feel Jesus holding you all through it. He knows this kind of pain and suffering. So wonderful that you are not alone in this.

  5. I wrote Alissa after I read this. I have been praying and crying and in the Word because I wish I could help. To hear your words on this blog it's like I see your faces and I want to hug you all. Audra, I want to let you know, if you have questions about tiny stuff (like meds etc.) when you have your mom home(it made me smile thinking she wanted to home with her family and pets) call me. Lis has my number. love to you and your family. My heart floods with memories and prayers. Kristen(Dougherty)

    But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. Romans 6:2

  6. Audra and all
    You are in our prayers...we love you

  7. All my love and prayers.
    Carrie Elliott

  8. Lifting all of you up before our Mighty Savior!

    Thanks soooo much for the updates Audra!!
    Vic & Debbie Ruslavik from Calvary Chapel Philly

    (We visited AZ in 1997 in hopes of relocation. Your folks showed us around and helped us out very much during our 2 wk. stay. They are very special people!)

  10. Audra, I am praying so hard for you and your family.
